A coffee capsule has jammed.
Open the appliance door.
To disconnect the appliance from the power, press the power switch at the top left of the appliance; see Fig. 1.
Remove the grounds container from the appliance and empty it.
Carefully remove the magazine runners and, if possible, the capsule plate from the appliance. If there is a jammed coffee capsule inside, it may not be possible to remove these parts.
There is an opening to the right of the compartment for the capsule plate. Check whether a coffee capsule has jammed inside this opening; see Fig. 2.
A capsule may also have jammed further up in the brew unit. If so, remove the coffee capsule. Use only a wooden spoon handle or similar to do this; see Fig. 3.
Insert all the components in the machine and switch on the power switch.
Close the appliance door.
If the fault persists, please contact us or book a repair appointment online.